
Manny Galanakis

Manny has a BA degree with Behavioural Psychology in Human Sciences from Rhodes University.

He completed his Personnel and Training Diploma with the Institute of Personnel Management (SA) before going on to complete his Industrial Relations Diploma (USB).

Manny has over 25 years of South African Labour Relations experience in the manufacturing and Retail sector. He was the Chairman of the Worsted Bargaining Council for approximately 3 years and has been in the employer’s negotiating team in collective bargaining of substantive and procedural issues for over 10 years. He has over 20 years of experience in senior management.

Manny was a part time lecturer at the Cape Peninsula University on Labour Law and additionally was a training facilitator for Bruniquel & Associates specialising in Leadership and Labour Relations Training.

Manny served as a part time commissioner at the CCMA for 5 years.


Ninon MacKinnon

Ninon MacKinnon het meer as 15 jaar ondervinding in arbeidsverhoudinge en menslike hulpbron bestuur, veral in die landbousektor.

Sy het haar Meestersgraad in Arbeidsreg aan die Universiteit van Kaapstad ontvang in 2010.

Sy het ook ʼn Honneursgraad in Kliniese Sielkunde en kursus werk vir haar Meesters in Bedryfsielkunde voltooi.



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